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Our Experienced Adoption Attorneys Can Help

Are you looking for an experienced adoption attorney you can rely on to handle your adoption? Working with individuals and couples who are looking to adopt through the Utah court system, Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC can handle private domestic adoptions, as well as second-parent adoptions, surrogacy representation, and more. Our legal experts are well versed in Utah adoption laws and can help you each step of the way with your adoption in Ogden and surrounding areas of Northern Utah. Call us today to learn more!

Adopted daughter joyfully playing with her father in Ogden, UT with Richards & Richards Law Firm's help

How Do I Choose an Adoption Attorney?

Choosing an adoption attorney can feel overwhelming. If you don’t know someone personally who has gone through the adoption process, you might not be sure how to choose an experienced professional. To find someone reputable who will work to protect your rights and offer you the best legal representation for your adoption, we’ve included some tips that will help you as you search for your adoption lawyer:

  1. Begin searching for an attorney as soon as possible in the adoption process.
  2. Check adoption forums for advice from other parents who have adopted.
  3. Ask for references when selecting an attorney and follow up with them.
  4. If you know someone who has successfully adopted, ask them for the name of the attorney they used.
  5. Search for an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in the type of adoption you are interested in.
  6. Interview your potential lawyer and have a few questions ready to ask them related to their experience.
  7. Find out the attorney’s fees for their adoption services.
Mother and adopted daughter sharing a joyful moment in Ogden, UT

How Can an Adoption Attorney Help Us?

Adoption law can be complex, and without an experienced attorney on your side, it can feel like an overwhelming process. Our adoption attorneys can help you with the following steps in your adoption process:

  1. Filing an adoption petition with the courthouse
  2. Processing required forms
  3. Working with social workers
  4. Scheduling and confirming court dates
  5. Communicating with the birth parent’s legal counsel
  6. Acting as a liaison between the adoption agency and the parents
  7. Coordinating all aspects of the adoption
  8. Representing on your behalf during court proceedings
  9. Guidance during unexpected roadblocks in the process

Can You Adopt Without a Lawyer?

While you’re legally entitled to adopt without legal representation, you’re strongly advised not to. Lawyers can ensure the entire adoption process meets all required legal obligations to protect you and your family. Many parents who adopt know the cost is worth ensuring their adoption process meets all state laws and requirements. Additionally, adoption attorneys work together with adoption agencies to ensure your process goes as smoothly as possible.

How Much Do Adoption Lawyers Cost?

Most people looking into adoption know it can be an expensive process. Adoption lawyers typically charge an hourly rate of $200 to $300 per hour. Uncontested adoptions typically involve a flat rate averaging around $2,000 if no complications are involved in the adoption process.

Two dads bonding with their adopted child by coloring a book in Ogden, UT

How Do I Vet an Adoption Attorney?

Once you’ve chosen to visit with an adoption attorney to hopefully move forward with your adoption case, it’s time to do research. How do you vet an adoption attorney to ensure they’re experienced and knowledgeable enough to take on your adoption case?

  1. Verify that your attorney specializes in adoption.
  2. Check-in with the Utah State Bar to ensure there are no incidents.
  3. How long has this attorney been in practice?
  4. Google them to look for reviews and articles written about them.
  5. Have a consultation and check to see if the office is clean, tidy, and put together.
  6. Is the attorney punctual? Do you feel rushed during the consultation?
  7. Are they listening to you, or are they doing most of the talking?
  8. Keep in mind a reputable lawyer never promises any specific outcome with your case.
  9. Are they upfront about their rates?
  10. What type of basis will you be billed on?

Contact Us Today for Help With Adoption in Utah

While adoption can be the most exciting time of your life, it can also feel stressful and overwhelming. No matter what your situation is, our attorneys are here to provide full support as your family goes through this journey. The experienced adoption attorneys at Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC offer top-notch legal advice and representation to clients throughout Ogden and surrounding areas of Northern Utah. We have more than 30 years of legal experience on our side and work hard to find the best solution for your case. Contact us today for a legal consultation with our experienced, knowledgeable family law lawyers!

Contact Us Now to Start Winning Your Case Today

Happy mother embracing her children after obtaining her immigration visa in Ogden, UT

Take Note of Our Other Practice Areas

Beyond immigration law, Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC specializes in a host of legal matters. Over the years, we’ve worked with clients going through a divorce, fighting criminal charges, and planning for their small businesses. We’re a full-service law firm that can take on a slew of legal challenges. Choose us for all the following practice areas:

We’re Here to Help! Call Us Today!

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