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Expert Probate Litigation

Settling the business of a loved one who has passed can be challenging. Our law team can help take the stress of handling business affairs off your plate and help you through the process. Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC proudly offers our Ogden, UT, clients exemplary probate law services. We have extensive experience handling probate disputes and probate litigation cases. If you’ve been named an estate administrator or executor, let us ease the burden and allow you to focus on the loss of your loved one. Contact us to learn more.

probate paper and gavel

What Is Probate Law?

Probate involves the legal process of determining a deceased person’s final taxes and debts and how their remaining property and assets are distributed. The probate process can include verifying the validity of a will, appointing an Executor of the will, and providing a framework to inventory the deceased’s assets.

Person signing documents while lawyer directs them

Choosing the Right Probate Attorney

Our experienced probate law attorneys have helped countless clients through the probate process. We handle the informal and formal probate proceedings while offering legal advice to estate executors and administrators. We can guide you through some of the most common probate issues, including:

  • Estate Administration
  • Heirship determination
  • Contested wills
  • Small estate affidavits
  • Probate applications and petitions
  • Renunciation statements
  • Untitled property
  • Court orders and statements

Probate Steps

Our legal team will help you through each step of probate. The most common actions include:

Appointing the Executor

The judge will appoint an executor of the will or an estate administrator to oversee the probate process. This person will receive legal documents they can enter into transactions on behalf of the estate.


Our probate attorneys will begin the process of authenticating a last will and testament, confirming the will’s validity. All parties concerned will have the opportunity to object the will.

Locating Assets

We will help locate and take possession of the decedent’s assets to protect the estate. We will extensively review tax returns, insurance policies, and other important documentation.


We will help determine the value of the person’s assets at the time of their death. We will help evaluate account statements and appraisals to provide a comprehensive list of the person’s property.

Informing Creditors

We will notify creditors of the decedent of their death. They have a specific amount of time to make any claim against the estate for the debt.

Payment of Debts

After locating and informing all debts, our probate lawyers can use the estate funds to pay the final bills.

Distribution of the Estate

We will petition the court for permission to distribute the remaining assets to the will’s benefactors. After permission is granted, the estate is distributed to the proper parties.

Do I Need a Probate Lawyer?

The process of authenticating a last will and testament involves probate court. If someone passes without a will or estate plan, probate is still necessary to ensure final bills are paid and the deceased person’s estate is distributed correctly. At Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC, our probate attorneys help executors with a will and administrators if there is no will. We will help you locate and determine the deceased person’s assets and investments. If the estate has complicated issues with multiple assets and debts, we will help you sort them out.

Why Choose Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC?

Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC is proud to be a family firm dedicated to easing your stress in challenging situations. We understand probate law is not something most families want to do in their time of grieving, so we do our best to help you through the process. We offer top-notch legal advice and representation to help you get what you deserve. We dedicate our complete attention to your needs.

Consult a Knowledgeable Probate Lawyer

When you need help with or without a will after a loved one’s death, our probate law team in Ogden is here to help you. We have decades of experience helping clients settle the business of their loved ones after their passing. Contact us today for legal consultation!

Contact Us Now to Start Winning Your Case Today

family hugging

Take Note of Our Other Practice Areas

Beyond immigration law, Richards & Richards Law Firm, PLLC specializes in a host of legal matters. Over the years, we’ve worked with clients going through a divorce, fighting criminal charges, and planning for their small businesses. We’re a full-service law firm that can take on a slew of legal challenges. Choose us for all the following practice areas:

We’re Here to Help! Call Us Today!