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Divorce is a challenging process at any stage of life, and when you have adult children, it presents unique dynamics that require careful handling. Although custody and child support are no longer concerns, the emotional and relational impacts on adult children can be significant. At Richards & Richards Law Firm, we understand these complexities and are here to guide you through this delicate process. Here’s how to handle divorce when you have adult children.

Communicate Openly and Honestly

Open and honest communication with your adult children is crucial. They deserve to know about the changes in your relationship, but it’s important to communicate in a way that is respectful and considerate of their feelings. Be prepared to answer their questions and address their concerns without placing them in the middle of your conflict.

Acknowledge Their Emotions

Adult children may experience a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to relief and confusion. Acknowledge their feelings and provide a supportive environment where they can express themselves. It’s important to validate their emotions and reassure them that their relationships with both parents will continue.

Avoid Oversharing and Blame

While transparency is important, avoid oversharing details about the divorce or blaming your spouse in conversations with your adult children. They should not be burdened with the intricacies of the divorce or feel pressured to take sides. Maintain boundaries and focus on providing support and stability.

Consider Their Life Stage

Adult children may be dealing with their own significant life events, such as college, careers, relationships, or starting families of their own. Be mindful of their life stage and how the divorce may impact them. Show sensitivity to their current circumstances and offer reassurance that you are mindful of their needs and well-being.

Plan Family Gatherings Carefully

Family gatherings can become more complex post-divorce. Plan these events thoughtfully, ensuring that they remain comfortable and inclusive for everyone. Consider separate celebrations or arrangements that allow for positive interactions without forcing uncomfortable situations.

Address Financial Considerations

Divorce can have financial implications that may affect your adult children, especially if they are still financially dependent on you to some extent. Discuss any changes that might impact their financial situation and plan accordingly. This includes changes in wills, trusts, or any financial support you provide.

Seek Professional Support

Encourage your adult children to seek support if they are struggling with the divorce. Therapy or counseling can provide a safe space for them to process their emotions and develop coping strategies. Additionally, consider seeking professional support for yourself to navigate this transition more effectively.


Handling a divorce when you have adult children involves careful consideration of their emotional and practical needs. By communicating openly, acknowledging their feelings, maintaining boundaries, and planning thoughtfully, you can help ensure that your family navigates this transition as smoothly as possible. At Richards & Richards Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing the legal support and guidance you need during this challenging time.

If you are facing divorce and have adult children, don’t navigate this process alone. Contact Richards & Richards Law Firm at (801) 621-7443 for a consultation. Our experienced attorneys are here to advocate for your interests and help you achieve a fair and equitable outcome. Call us today at (801) 621-7443 to take the first step toward a positive future for you and your family.