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Lawyers discussing in front of laptops - Richards & Richards Law Firm

If you have been hurt because of another party’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing, you need help getting the compensation you deserve. That’s where a personal injury lawyer comes in. This legal professional can help you get your life back on track, whether by negotiating a settlement or representing your case in court.

Types of Cases Personal Injury Attorneys Handle

Personal injury is a broad term encompassing a range of cases, from minor incidents to wrongful death. If you have experienced any of the following, you may have a valid personal injury claim:

  • Auto accident
  • Workplace injury
  • Construction accident
  • Slip and fall accident
  • Dog bite
  • Injury from a defective product
  • Medical malpractice
  • Wrongful death

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You

When looking for a qualified personal injury lawyer, find a legal professional with experience handling cases similar to yours. Following your initial consultation, the lawyer will get to work for you. Here’s how:

  • Investigate the incident: The initial stages of your case involve interviewing eyewitnesses, tracking down video surveillance, collecting physical evidence, reading accident reports, and obtaining other proof demonstrating how you were hurt and why the other party is at fault. You cannot recover damages unless you can prove these elements.
  • Calculate the value of your claim: It’s fairly easy to tally up economic damages like medical bills, loss of income, and a decrease in future earning potential. However, it’s more difficult to quantify pain and suffering, lost quality of life, and permanent scarring or disfigurement. An experienced injury lawyer can help you determine a fair value to request.
  • Deal with your insurance company: Once you hire legal counsel, the defendant’s insurance company must communicate through your personal injury lawyer. This takes the weight off your shoulders and ensures you aren’t duped by an unfair settlement offer.
  • Negotiate a settlement agreement: Your lawyer drafts a detailed demand to present to the defendant’s insurance company or attorney. Negotiations may continue for several weeks or months as your lawyer fights to reach a favorable agreement on your behalf.
  • File a personal injury lawsuit: If settlement negotiations fail, your case goes to court. Your attorney should already have the evidence and documentation necessary to prepare and file a lawsuit, expediting the process.
  • Represent your case at trial: Your personal injury attorney stands by you, conveying the details of your case to convince the judge and jury to side with you and award the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the Utah legal code is no easy task. To increase the chance of a fair settlement, contact Richards & Richards Law Firm. We have served personal injury victims in Ogden, UT, for over 30 years. Unlike other law firms, you’re much more than just a case number to us. We treat you as an individual, offering a streamlined and personalized experience to promote a positive outcome. To discuss your personal injury case, please Contact us at (512) 461-4836 and schedule a free consultation today.